Splash Mountain

- Photoshopped hi-res Splash Mountain photo printed on...
- (2) 3'x4' foamcore boards
- (2) grout smoother with handles
Oversized *anything* is naturally funny.
I'm always looking for opportunities to dress up as things related to the parks. I think one of the more memorable parts of Splash Mountain is checking out your photos after the ride. So I thought it would be super funny to dress up as an oversized souvenir photo and have the costume be "interactive" - in that fellow runners can pose with me and "be on the ride" with me.
So it took me a bit to Photoshop the desired image. I ended up making a composite from many hi-res Splash Mountain photos. Here's an animated gif of the quick overview of what I did:
I made the mounted foamcore print order at the on-site FedEx Office in Orlando, and got it shipped to my hotel. One board had the base image, and the other board had the water part and the logo separately. After cutting the water and logo out, I stuck it onto the base with foam spacers in between to give it a subtle 3D diorama look.
Obviously, I didn't end up with the whole backpack apparatus since I didn't have time. What I ended up doing was I glue-gunned handles onto the back and just carried it for the whole run. A lot of people asked me if I encountered a lot of wind resistance. Now, for those who were there that day will remember that that day was miserably cold and windy. I only struggled once when I felt like I was pushing a wall during a brief gust. But other than that and slightly sore arms, the costume definitely made a splash. (I'm so sorry.)